Volume 13 (2024)
Volume 12 (2023)
Volume 11 (2022)
Volume 10 (2021)
Volume 9 (2020)
Volume 8 (2019)
Volume 7 (2018)
Volume 6 (2017)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2012)
سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
The effect of the allocation of resources of the National Development Fund on the macroeconomic variables of Iran; The approach of stochastic dynamic general equilibrium model

EZATOLLAH TAYEBI; Teymur Mohammadi; morteza khorsandi; abdorasol ghasemi; mohammad sayadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 December 2023


  The National Development Fund was established as a development fund with the aim of providing intergenerational benefits, preventing the spread of fluctuations in oil revenues to the economy, and also supporting the country's development plans. Despite this, until now, there has not been a detailed ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Financial Development and Renewable Energy Technology Development nexus, and the Role of Natural Resources: Developed Financial Systems vs. Less Developed Financial Systems

Majid Aghaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 March 2024


  One influential factor in this relationship is the abundance of natural resources and its level of dependency. The impact of natural resource abundance on the relationship between financial development and renewable energy technology deployment can vary based on the financial system's development level ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Factors Affecting the Energy Intensity of Selected MENA Countries with an Emphasis on Innovation

musa khoshkalam khosroshahi; zahra moradi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 24 April 2024


  Energy is always a widely used input in the production sector and used in the distribution and consumption of many goods and services, which should be used optimally. One of the indicators showing the optimal use of energy input is the energy intensity index. Obviously, the lower the energy intensity, ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Optimal Management of Natural Gas Consumption using Saving Certificates Exchange Mechanism

Hamid Amadeh; mohamad Hasani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 June 2024


  The growing natural gas consumption has made it difficult to supply gas to power plants and large industries in the cold seasons and forces these industries to use polluting fuels. One of the consequences of this situation is air pollution. Due to the inelastic demand of natural gas, command policies ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Volatilities in Global Oil, Gold, and Dollar Market s and Their Role in Stock Market Fluctuations among OPEC-Plus Member Countries

parisa Mohajeri; reza taleblou; samaneh ranjkhah zenuzghi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 July 2024


  This study employs a vector autoregression approach with time-varying parameters (TVP-VAR) to investigate the spillover of volatility and risk among the stock markets of 13 OPEC and OPEC+ member countries, alongside Gold, Brent Oil, OPEC Oil, and the Dollar index. Daily data spanning from March 1, 2014, ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Estimating Information Asymmetry using Market Microstructure Measures; A Case Study of Energy Sector Companies Listed in the Iranian Stock Exchange

parisa Mohajeri; Reza Taleblou

Volume 13, Issue 50 , November 2024, , Pages 141-173


  The Probability of Informed Trading (PIN) is one of the important measures of market microstructure that is generally used to estimate the level of information asymmetry. Estimating PIN can be challenging due to boundary solutions, local maxima, and Floating Point Exceptions (FPE). Additionally, the ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Evaluation and Analysis of Virtual Water Trade in Iran's Oil Sector

morteza tahamipour zarandi; seyed amin azimi

Volume 11, Issue 41 , January 2023, , Pages 61-84


  Attention to water resources and consumption in Iran's industrial sector is important due to the existence of severe tensions in the country's water resources. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the virtual water trade in the oil industry of Iran. For this purpose, the technical-basic ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Explaining and Investigating the Relationship between the Abundance of Natural Resources and the Extent of Economic Corruption with an Emphasis on Oil and Gas Resources (A New Approach to the Resource Curse Phenomenon)

Seyyed Mohsen Azimi Dokht

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2023, , Pages 95-120


  The curse of natural resources is an emerging phenomenon that is of interest to economic researchers. The attention of researchers is about the direct effects of resources on economic factors. The subjects of these researches are around axes such as the impact on growth, productivity, and production ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
The Study of Economic, Financial, and Political Risks on the Resource Curse Vulnerability Index in the Countries of the Mena Region

Danial Farbod; Mohammad Ali Falahi; Narges Salehnia

Volume 11, Issue 41 , January 2023, , Pages 163-217


  Today, many risks, including economic, financial, and political ones, threaten the economies of countries. On the other hand, governments try to manage the negative consequences and neutralize or minimize their impact on the economy. A review of the situation shows that most underdeveloped and developing ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
The Effect of International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment on Carbon Dioxide Emissions In group D8 with panel data

zarir negintaji; Hojat Izadkhasti

Volume 11, Issue 44 , October 2022, , Pages 161-192


  Today, there are two different perspectives on the long-term effects of international trade on countries' economies in terms of environmental perspective. One view claims that countries are deregulating their country to promote free trade, which reduces their environmental standards and, ultimately, ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Investigating the Relationship between Investment and Uncertainty in Iran's Oil Industry

jalal Dehnavi; Mir Hossein Mousavi; Musa Khoshkalam Khosroshahi; Lana Eivazy

Volume 10, Issue 39 , July 2021, , Pages 159-181


  The growth and survival of a company are based on making appropriate and principled investment decisions. This is while a company always continues to operate in an unpredictable environment and under the influence of various shocks. In this regard, this issue has created a two-way relationship between ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Modeling Crude Oil Price Dynamics: Investigation of Jump and Volatility Using Stochastic Volatility Models (Case study: WTI crude oil prices in 2020 and 2021)

mojtaba rostami; Mohammad Nabi Shahiki Tash

Volume 10, Issue 37 , January 2021, , Pages 37-72


  Due to the strategic role of volatility and instability of crude oil prices and their effects on all countries of the world, different methods of modeling and forecasting are necessary. Over the past two decades, an extensive literature has emerged on various approaches to empirically modeling volatility ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
The Interaction of Economic Freedom and Governance on Ecological Footprint (Selected Developing Countries)

rezvan hemati; musa khoshkalam khosroshahi

Volume 10, Issue 37 , January 2021, , Pages 159-182


  Environmental degradation is one of the most important concerns in developing countries. One of the most important indicators whose study helps to understand the extent of the world's support for improving the quality of the environment is the ecological footprint (EF). EF is an indicator that shows ...  Read More

سیاستگذاری‌های اقتصادی و مالی در حوزه‌های فوق‌الذکر در سطوح ملی، منطقه‌ای و جهانی
Economic and Welfare Effects of investing Oil Revenue in the Iranian Economy: A Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium(CGE) Approach

javad khajehtorab; sharareh majdzadeh tabatabaei; seyednematollah mosavi

Volume 9, Issue 33 , January 2020, , Pages 67-92


  In the present study, the approach of a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium was used in order to simulate the economic and welfare effects of the allocation of oil revenues in the Iranian economy. Accordingly, changes in the production index of different economic sectors, changes in consumption ...  Read More