Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Economics Graduated.



The growing natural gas consumption has made it difficult to supply gas to power plants and large industries in the cold seasons and forces these industries to use polluting fuels. One of the consequences of this situation is air pollution. Due to the inelastic demand of natural gas, command policies cannot prevent the increasing trend of gas consumption. So it is necessary to use incentive policies to manage consumption. Recently, in developed countries, regulatory instruments based on exchange of certificates, such as tradable savings certificates based on the market, have been significantly developed and had positive results. Considering the importance of gas consumption management and with the aim of creating a mechanism for certificates of natural gas exchange, in this research, based on the experiences of the leading countries in this field and the results of consensus of the elites, design a mechanism for the exchange of consumption savings certificates of natural gas. The results of Delphi analysis showed that the mechanism of issuing and exchanging natural gas saving certificates is feasible and this mechanism makes households and business units find motivation to save natural gas consumption. Also, power plants and other large industries can fulfill part of their natural gas needs in the cold season by buying certificates from households in the established market, and in this way they can access clean fuel in the cold seasons of the year.


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