Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant proffesor ,Department of agricultural and environment economics,faculty of ecomomics,allameh tabataba'i university

2 MA. In Economics, Dapartment of Economics, Allameh TabaTaba’I University


Pricing goods and services produced always a crucial concern is the economy and policy decisions by governments.because any change could cost the welfare of consumers and on the other hand the quality and quantity of production and supply of goods and services affect them.
In this thesis by examining the natural gas market using theories of microeconomics ,public sector,with the assumptions of of the optimality current price of gas for manufacturing industries in iran,aims to provide the pattern,resonable price ,which the government in the framework of the implimentation of targeted subsidies,with this pricing method high.
So according to the terms of the natural monopoly of the natural gas market that is ruling Iran,justified,ramsey pricing pattern has found a method of fuzzy regression olza due to lack of having the resterictions governing classical regression as well as high precision will be used.also ,in order to estimate the production function and efficiency compared to the estimates of the demand function and also to scale and stretch it,your explanation of the pattern of operation with extensive breaks(ARDL) in 1356-1393 .finally also the optimal pattern of natural gas pricing for the various industries of iran’s plant has been estimated.
Optimal pattern,natural gas, pricing,manufacturing industeries
