Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D. Student, Department of Industrial Management (Finance), Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran


This article was done with the aim of presenting the industrial and commercial development model in the country's oil and gas industry in Gachsaran Oil and Gas Company. The current article is an applied-developmental research in terms of its purpose, and it is a survey-cross-sectional research from the point of view of the data collection method. A mixed exploratory design was used to achieve the goal of the research. The community of participants in the qualitative section includes managers with experience in Gachsaran Oil and Gas Company. Sampling was done by theoretical sampling method and theoretical saturation was achieved with 11 interviews. The statistical population of the quantitative part also includes the experts of Gachsaran Oil and Gas Company, which was estimated to be 384 people using Cochran's formula. The required sample volume was provided by a simple random sampling method. A semi-structured interview and a researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect data. The basic categories of industrial and commercial development in the country's oil and gas industry were identified by the grounded theory method in Maxqda 20 software. The final model was validated by the partial least squares method in Smart PLS 3 software. The results have shown that financial and economic indicators affect the development of human, technical and managerial capabilities. These capabilities also affect commercialization strategies. In this regard, the legal and political atmosphere of the country provides the necessary platform and the risk-taking of the industry plays the role of an interventionist. Finally, commercialization strategies lead to industrial and commercial development


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