Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj University

2 M.A. of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj University, Iran



Renewable energies are gradually replacing fossil fuels as the primary sources of energy. The transition from non-renewable resources to renewable sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, etc., has significantly transformed productive, commercial, and financial aspects of the international energy market. This transformation, in turn, has created new challenges and opportunities for energy security of states. Iran, as a major producer of fossil fuels and energy consumer, is also grappling with these challenges and opportunities. Here we aim to answer the question that what strategies and policies Iran has adopted in the field of renewable energies to ensure its future energy security? In other words, what role and position does Iran envisioned for renewable energies in its future energy security? In response to this question, first fourteen indicators for assessing energy security were identified. Then, we figured out the threats and opportunities arising from the mentioned transition in each of these indicators. Next, we demonstrated which of these threats and opportunities Iran has faced or will face and to what extent it has addressed them in its overarching policies and high-level documents. The research findings indicate that Iran has paid the most attention to the price and energy consumption intensity indicators, while neglecting political stability and acceptability, and to some extent, the production continuity indicators. We have employed the rational-conceptual modeling approach here.


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