Document Type : Research Paper


1 , Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch

2 Economic Departmant,Humanities Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran

3 Faculty of Economics,, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch


Finding effective factors on productivity for its impact on economic growth and development is essential for societies, especially countries that are in the process of development. By examining new researches and analyzing the economic conditions and problems of developing countries, we find the importance of the factor of energy consumption, especially non-renewable energies such as oil consumption, and the question of whether more energy (oil) consumption will lead the country towards productivity improvement is crucial for developing a development plan and roadmap. The study investigates the effect of energy consumption (oil) on total factor productivity using the Cobb-Douglas production function and solo growth model, for 10 developing countries including Iran, based on the Human Development Index from1996 to 2022. In this research, using panel data, first through the primary model, which is the generalized Cobb-Douglas function linear model, the total factor productivity was calculated, and then through the secondary model, including the total factor productivity variable, the research hypothesis was investigated.

The results showed that the effect of energy consumption on total factor productivity (TFP) in selected developed countries is negative and meaningless and the effect of urbanization is negative and significant. Also, the effect of energy consumption and urbanization on the productivity of all factors in emerging and developing countries is negative and significant. The desirability of the Watson-R camera statistic and the significance of the overall regression were reviewed and confirmed in each group.


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