Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University - Tehran Science and Research Unit

2 Ph.D. Student of Financial Engineering, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Finance, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran


it is of strategic importance to investigate the methods of financing the establishment of petroleum refinery units. Meanwhile, economic sanctions have seriously affected the access to financing methods, especially the financing methods of petroleum refinery projects. For this purpose, this research has identified and ranked the financing methods of petroleum refinery projects according to the current conditions of the country's economic system. In order to identify the types of financing methods for petroleum refinery projects, all available library documents such as books, articles and related research reports were studied. In the next step, with the aim of firstly ensuring the statistics of all methods and secondly extracting the criteria for prioritizing financing methods, interviews were conducted with financing experts in the refinery and petrochemical industry, and the findings were analyzed using thematic analysis method. In the following, after the initial review and refinement of financing methods by the focal group, a questionnaire for prioritizing financing methods was compiled and provided to the experts. Examining the results of prioritization showed that joint venture (JV), build, operate and transfer (BOT), build, lease and transfer (BLT), lines of credit, engineering, procurement, construction and finance (EPCF), exchange of oil and oil products with other goods and equipment and even the project, participation in the net profit (Net Profit Interest) and pre-sale agreements (Off-Take Agreement), eight "main and priority methods", for the financing of suitable petrochemical projects in the current coordinates of Iran's economy
