Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


OPEC was established to play a greater role in the international energy system, and over a period of time, the trans-OPEC states have tried to influence the functioning and status of the organization. One of these actors has been the United States, which has influenced the organization by adopting various policies and plans, even after the discovery of Shale technology, which is becoming a major supplier of oil. In this regard, this piece of research seeks to address the important question of how the US energy policies during the Trump presidency affected OPEC? to answer the question, it is hypothesized that with the discovery of Shale technology and its expansion during Trump's presidency, the United States has tried to establish a new international energy order as well as to change the traditional energy geopolitics in order to sideline the organization. This research analyzes the issue by applying the theory of realism as well as using an explanatory method with primary and secondary data including documents, reports, speeches, books, articles, and valid websites. Finally, the findings of the study emphasize the fact that it is necessary for Iranian officials and policymakers to know and understand US energy policies, especially during the Trump era and developments in the global energy system so that to be able to try moderating the consequences of the sanctions and paving the way for Iran’s return as one of the significant players of the field of energy in the international system


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